Early Years Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a legal document which nurseries, Pre-schools, reception classes and childminders must deliver.
From birth to five children’s experiences should be happy, secure, fun, exciting and educational. This is an especially important stage; the EYFS helps your child to get ready for school as well as preparing them for their future learning and successes.

Our educational approach
This has been drawn from the very best research in early years by exploring a range of educational approaches and blending this with our innate values.
Using a long term curriculum plan, which is a flexible yearly overview of what learning and experiences we intend to plan for the children, ensures all children receive a broad and rich curriculum, so that their experiences are engaging, exciting and fully inclusive.
We take account all mixed age groups and all families who access our settings, supporting children to become educated citizens.
Our curriculum is our plan of what we intend babies and children to experience, learn and enjoy whist in the nursery. Our planning is based on themes, topics and events.
This way children are enjoying new challenges and learning about new things, in a supportive, exciting environment. However, we keep our plans child centered and plan primarily on the interests of the children.

Areas of learning
Our curriculum has been carefully developed using the educational programmes which cover 7 areas of learning. Three Prime areas cover, Communication and Language, physical development and personal social and emotional development. These areas are particularly important for building a strong and secure foundation.
We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. These are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.